We here in the great northeast got buried in anywhere from 20 to 29 inches of snow this weekend depending on where you were. It started late friday night and went clear through till midnight on Saturday. Needless to say, no one was driving or going out on Saturday. Everyone was stuck in side whether you liked it or not. It was a waste of time to try to shovel any snow as it was coming down well over an inch an hour in some spots. So here is my list of 20 things to do when you can't get out of your house!
- Bake Cookies
- Drink Exotic Drinks
- Take a nap or two or three
- Wash clothes, or things you usually don't have time to wash, blankets, curtains, comforters...
- Clean out your closets, get a bag of cloths that you don't need or want together for a charity.
- Bake a Cake or Pie.
- Play on Facebook or Pinterest like everyone else in the world.
- Wonder if anything else in the world is happening because the news only knows one thing right now and that is that it's snowing...
- Rent a Movie
- Binge on Netflix
- Call someone you haven't spoken to in a while.
- Snuggle with your pets, or children or loved one.
- Start a website for something really stupid.
- Rewrite your resume.
- Surf the internets
- Wonder how long it's going to take this snow to melt.
- Make Soup
- Play games, card, board or Ouija
- Polish the shovels because tomorrow you will be digging out!
- Wonder what I have to do to make anyone comment on this blog???