As I look back on my life, I can say I have done a few things that I regret but nothing I think I would change. There are some things that I would like to be able to do over again, maybe with a little more knowledge or some foresight.
So today I am going to list 49 things that I have learned over my 49 years on this planet.
- Be Patient or at least TRY to be patient
- Don't drive like a jerk, be courteous of other drivers, you are not getting anywhere any faster driving like you are a nascar driver!
- Treat people and all living things the way YOU want to be treated.
- It's not necessary for one to believe in God to be a good person.
- If you're going to be passive aggressive, I will be also!
- Give to charity as much as you can, it doesn't have to be money it can be items too.
- Have a pet, or 4, they do bring joy to your life.
- Always Adopt from a shelter or take in an unwanted animal, they will be grateful for life and will show it.
- Don't Live in a bubble, remember there are others around you.
- Travel if you can
- Say Please, Thank you and EXCUSE ME, when needed, it shows you have manners and were not raised in a cave.
- Tell the people you love that you love them, you may not get a chance to say it tomorrow.
- Ask for Advice when you don't have the answers yourself.
- Don't harbor hate or anger, it makes you old and sick.
- Cherish your friends.
- Love what you do, do what you love.
- Don't drink soda it rots your teeth.
- Kindness is a virtue not a weakness.
- Know that there are people in this world that are not as lucky as you are, have empathy for them.
- Learn something new every day!
- Read as much as you can, knowledge is awesome!
- Make time to Relax or you will burn out.
- Enjoy the seasons no matter how HOT or WET or Cold they are.
- Ask your parents and grandparents questions about their youth, you will find some very interesting stories.
- Love yourself no matter what.
- Its usually easier to keep something than to try to get it back.
- Be content with your accomplishments but always try to do better
- Life is a ride, enjoy the highs and the lows
- Sometimes you have to do things you just do not want to do, but you have no other choice.
- Let someone else make decisions once in a while but always be the master of your own ship.
- Take Responsibility for YOURSELF and your actions.
- Doing nothing does not work.
- Smile, be happy.
- To be compassionate does not mean you are a sucker.
- Its ok to cry if you are sad.
- Tube down a river at least once in your life.
- Enjoy Nature thats where the magic really happens.
- Have a vegetable garden, it's hard work, but well worth it!
- Dance in the rain at least once in your life
- Learn how to cook something better than anyone you know.
- Start a journal or a blog for your own amusement
- Turn your cell phone, computer and tv off once in a while...remember before they were invented?
- Stay off of Facebook and Twitter sometimes, because they can make you nuts.
- The world is full of stupid people, don't be one of them.
- Know how to be diplomatic, it will help in many situations.
- Learn how to negotiate, first question, "is that the best you can do?"
- Animals are usually better than people.
- Dont sweat the small stuff, believe me there will be bigger things.
- Live, Love and always Laugh!