Tomorrow will begin my 4th week post op. Tomorrow I will be going from liquid like nourishment to food with somewhat more consistency. I really cant wait to eat a deviled egg or some scrambled eggs and cheese. I do love cheese!
Beginning my 4th week out from surgery, I got on the scale today and found that I lost 2 more lbs, Yea for me!!! My pre-surgery weight was 348, and I am happy to say that I am currently at 322 for a total of 26 lbs.
Its still not that easy to wrap my head around what I have done. I know its all over with now but its kind of sad that that part of me, or who I was, is really no longer. I know this may sound silly but one of the things I loved to do was cook and eat. I realize that I'm not going to have to give up either, but maybe I can make it better or more suited to my own needs. I don't know, it seems like all my options are still so limited.
I'm actually surprised that there haven't been any post WLS cook books published out there. There are a few blogs out there, one of the better ones is The World According to EggFace. Other than all of her recipes she does have a witty sense of humor too, my kinda girl!