Saturday, March 30, 2019

Lend Me Your Ear

Dear Friends, Family and Colleagues,
Recently, I announced that I would be running for a seat in Morrisville’s Borough Council.
I have decided to run because I believe that I have a lot to offer the town I live in, not only
with the career skills that I have built my entire life, but also because of the unique life
experiences that have brought me to where I am now.
We talk a lot these days about how we want to come together as neighbors, friends and
citizens, but yet we find ways to divide ourselves. I have advocated for many years that we,
as neighbors, as citizens, need to find common ground. To not allow what you think you
know or want personally, to hinder what is for the betterment of all people. I believe in
my heart that this current bipartisan council is where that starts.
Your municipal government affects you more than your state or federal government ever will.
The money that they spend is directly related to your core costs. It includes housing,
whether you rent or own. The infrastructure of your town, are your roads falling apart? The
school system, recreation, businesses, police, fire/ambulance. Outside of your rent or
mortgage, taxes are your next biggest expenditure. We do not need to be taxed any more.
We need people who will spend your tax dollars responsibly. Period.
During this primary, I will be running against some spiteful people. These people are the
remainder of those that have systematically, over the last 20 or so years, stood by as our
streets crumbled, while giving golden parachutes to their cronies. They have hired people
as political favors. They have stifled progress by creating an RCO, which in turn, wasted
taxpayer money for any project that would go out for bid. They allowed our police department
to fall into shambles, to the point it was almost dismantled.
They will try to discredit me, I am more than sure of that. For me to be successful with this
endeavor, I am turning to the people that know me best and asking for your support. I will
need advertising, flyers, signs, mailings, and I cannot do this all alone. I am inviting you all
to get involved with my campaign and help make a difference in this small, historic town.
Your contribution will help so much in getting the word out and to raise the initial funds
needed to launch this campaign. There is no small amount, any amount is more than I could
ask for. If you would like to contribute, please make your check out to “Morrisville Votes” and
mail it directly to me at 562 Doloro Drive, Morrisville, PA 19067. You can also Venmo your
contribution to @Mike-Yager-6 or my paypal account at
Sincerely yours,
Kelly Chiavarini